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Who is NETA:

The Accredited Companies:

  • Independedt, third-party, unbiased testing authority
  • stringent membership standards
  • Accreditation =  Quality Assurance

NETA Certified Test Technicians

  • Proven broad-based, field-experienced knowledge.
  • Required continuing education

ANSI Accredited Standards Developer

  • Producer of nationally recognized consensus standards.


The NETA Distinction

When you hire a NETA Accredited Company, you are assured that:

  • Companies are unbiased, third-party, independent electrical testing firms.
  • Technicians are certfied under the ANSI/NETA  Standard for Certfication for Electrical Testing Technicians (ANSI/NETA ETT-2000)
  • Testing is performed in accordance with industry standards including:
    • ANSI/NETA Standard for Maintenance Testing Specifications (ANSI/NETA MTS)
    • NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications (NETA ATS)
    • ICEA, NEMA, NFPA, OSHA, among other



NETA Safety---

NETA's Commmitment to safelty

The InterNatinonal Electrical Testing Association recognizes that no phase of its operation , whether field, laboratory, engineering, or administration, is of greater importance than safety and the prevention of illnesses and accidents.

Safety requirements and safety standards

NETA is proud to be a silver level sponsor of the IEEE/NFPA Arc Flash Collaborattive Research Project.

NETA publishes Recommended minimum Safety Guidelines for NETA Accredited Companies to use as the basis for their safety procedures.

Safety is an important feature of every PowerTest: Electrical Maintenance and Safety Conference programming and exhibits that focus on safety issues and solutions.


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